Things to Avoid if you have Acne-prone Skin
We at Radiance Skin and Hair Clinics offer the best acne treatment in Bhubaneswar. However, if you have acne-prone skin, you need to avoid certain things to have the best treatment effect.
Stop squeezing and picking
If you squeeze and pick the acne, the bacteria and the pus can go deeper into the layers of the skin, which can lead to the skin purging more. Also, if you constantly touch the acne, then it can aggravate the redness and lead to scabs and permanent scarring. So, our dermatologist advises that you should not squeeze, pick or touch the pimples.
Good treatment is a must
It is a must that you have the best treatment; otherwise, the acne will resurface again. We ensure that you have the best treatment according to modern methods. The primary thing that you need to do is to keep the skin healthy. You can use a Cleanse-Tone-Moisturise if you have acne-prone skin. There are various types of foods you can have which will help you to have relief from acne. You can eat natural foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts and not eat trans-fat food. Having such a food habit can help to detoxify the skin.
All acne is different
We advise that you should never follow an acne treatment followed by others. All acne is different and needs to have specialized treatment. So, it is prudent to be at our acne clinic and have treatment from our reputed dermatologist. They will examine the acne and may even perform some tests to determine its actual cause and nature to propose the best medicine.
Causes of acne-prone skin
There may be various reasons for having acne-prone skin; hence, the nature of treatment will differ. One can have such skin due to hormonal changes. During puberty, a hormone called Androgens can increase the sebaceous glands’ growth and sebum production. Hormonal changes can also happen during midlife, pregnancy, or the menstrual cycle, leading to breaking out.
Medication can also be the cause of such a skin type. Few drugs that contain corticosteroids, testosterone or lithium can be the cause of acne. Diet also has its effects and can be the cause of acne. If you frequently have processed foods and have enhanced consumption of carbohydrates, fat and hydrogenated oils, spicy, hot foods, meats, liquor, and even coffee can make it possible to have acne.
Stress is also a factor to have acne.
As the causes are different, so should the treatment. Our dermatologists are well trained to determine the actual cause and propose the ideal treatment. So, in future, if you suffer from acne, be at our clinic to have the best acne treatment in Bhubaneswar.